Check out the ministries below to learn how you can get connected at CDAG. By getting involved, you will not only make a difference in the lives of others, but you will find it will make a difference in you! We offer ministries for every age group, from infants to adults, designed to be engaging and spiritually rich.
Our Ministries

Sunday School
Sunday School classes are offered each Sunday morning at 9:30 am for all ages. First stop by our Coffee Connection when you arrive, grab a cup of coffee or tea and join one of our encouraging and uplifting classes this Sunday.

Our desire is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your little one, so you can be free to engage in our worship service and classes. Nursery & CD Kidz check-in is at the bottom of the east stairwell.

Family Night
You are invited to Family Night every Wednesday night during the school year at 6:30 pm! We offer a nursery for infants and toddlers, CD Kidz and Impact Student Ministries meet, and we have Men's and Women's Growth Groups including both men's and women's Bible Studies.

CD Kidz
Our desire is to provide excellent children’s programs in a safe and secure environment where kids can learn about God’s love and have a whole lot of fun along the way! CD Kidz check-in is at the bottom of the west stairwell.

Impact Youth
A place where 6th-12th grade students of all backgrounds and walks of life have an opportunity to encounter and grow in relationship with God. We challenge teens to live out their faith daily, as the Holy Spirit empowers them. Come hang out with us on Wednesday nights at 6:30!

Men's Bible Study
Join us as we are walking through the Bible together. On Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, CDAG men gather for a time of Bible study, prayer, accountability, and discipleship. In our fast-paced world, intentional time with other believers is crucial. Come do life with us!

Women's Bible Study
Join our encouraging study of the Word of God on Wednesday nights at 6:30. We provide a nursery and childcare services, providing you a much-needed time of rest and recharging. Come together with other women from CDAG to pray, build each other up, and deepen your relationship with God.

Want to Learn More?
Deciding on a new church can be a daunting task. If you have questions about how we do things here at College Drive, or if you just want to chat with one of our team members, don't hesitate to contact us today. We'd love to get to know you!